Table of Plenty Featured on WMTW

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Maine veterans act of kindness spurs giving across community,

BERWICK, Maine —

An act of kindness by a group of veterans has mobilized a pay it forward movement in southern Maine.

American Legion Post 79 was hosting a blood drive at the United Methodist Church in Berwick a couple of weeks ago when the veterans noticed the church’s freezer used to host community meals was failing.

"We would not have known about this if we didn't happen to be here hosting a blood drive,” said American Legion member Paul Haberzettl. "While we were manning the desk, we found out the freezer that they use for the Table of Plenty had died."

Table of Plenty founder Cheryl Klausman said they host the free community meals weekly and are on a tight budget trying to feed people.

"We were busy putting stuff in the other freezer and throwing stuff out,” Klausman said

That’s when the American Legion sprang into action.

"We decided that would be a good thing to do. If they need a freezer, let's get them one." Haberzettl said.

The members went to Lowe’s and bought a new freezer for the church. They had enough money left over to fill the freezer with the food that had been lost.

"It feels great and it's the way it should be,” Klausman said.

The story was shared on the Berwick Maine unofficial page Facebook group with the Be Kind Challenge hashtag.

"Look for it. There are people around you who need things,” Haberzettl said.

"There are more good people out there, than negative people. And those negative people need to see this. That a little help from someone can go a long way,” Klausman said.

The Be Kind Challenge has taken on a life of its own.

"It fills my heart. It makes me happy to see other people get things that they may not be able to otherwise,” said Peggy Brown, of Rochester, New Hampshire.

Brown said she shared the Be Kind Challenge with dozens of community groups in hopes of spreading the goodwill.

Stonewall Kitchen Hosts Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser for Table of Plenty

On July 23, 2016, (rain date, July 24), Stonewall Kitchen will be hosting a pancake breakfast with all proceeds going to benefit the Table of Plenty. Join us and for only $5 get a plate of excellent pancakes with your favorite syrups to top it! The event runs from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm. Enter for a chance to win a Company Classic gift, enjoy giveaways, and more!

The event is sponsored by: Bullshirt, Carpe Diem, Eastern Propane, Favorite Foods, Jasper Wyman & Son, and Stonewall Kitchen. 

Also, sign up for the Table of Plenty newsletter, meet members of the board, and enjoy some wonderful pancakes! We had a great time last year, and are looking forward to seeing you there!